We finished up the wrestling season with some BIG wins. Dalton and Tanner qualified to wrestle at regions this past Saturday. Yes~ that's Dalton pinning a 6Th grade GIRL in 1:10 minutes. There was 495 wrestlers in Windom wanting a chance to go to state. Some weight classes had over 25 kids in them. 1 thur 4Th place would advance. The boyz each placed 5Th place in their weight classes. Tanner's last match was outstanding, Coach Cody was screaming at the top of his lungs and Tamara had tears running down her face ! Dalton was jumping up and down mat side. He finally did it .....He WON 9-2. I've never seen a bigger smile. The boyz had an outstanding 1St year of wrestling. We can't wait until next season.
Senin, 31 Maret 2008
Minggu, 30 Maret 2008
Birthday Madness in March!!
I can't believe that my babies are 7!! They celebrated their birthday this past Thursday and it was filled with lots of smiles. It begain with the primary b-day sonsgs playing to wake up the fam. K & K requested oatmeal w/ bananas for breakfast. We opened the small family presents then. We had filled small gift bags to take to school for their class-mates. Kinsey handed out the girl bags and Kevin handled the boys. After school was VERY crazy! We had a Dr. appt, mtg w/ the Jr. High principal, 2 baseball practices and the requested mickey mouse waffle dinner! Somehow we got it all accomplished. The big present was opened after school. They each got some new scooters (which are the current hit of the neighborhood) We ended the day sharing what we love about each of them. Boy am I glad these 2 came to me. Life just wouldn't be the same without them.
Kamis, 27 Maret 2008
Easter in AZ!
There's nothing like Easter in Arizona. It's the BEST time of the year, with the weather in the 70-80 range (ok, this last week it was more like 85) the flowers in bloom, baseball season starting, the Mesa Easter Pageant(which we enjoyed this year with Tani, Emmy and Maddy) Our neighbor owns the Wright House (a wedding reception hall) and hosts a fun easter egg hunt for the kids. This year it was after church-12:15. We then were invited, for the second year in a row...to the Mesa Wright's Easter bash. Boy do they know how to throw a party! Good food, fun activities and lots of visiting. I'm posting a clip of Steve getting ousted in musical chairs. Also a clip of Kinsey having fun during the marshmallow war. I wish I would of captured a shot of her winning the hoola-hoop contest. That makes 2 years running!!!
Minggu, 23 Maret 2008
On Saturday we helped Great Grandma Elliott celebrate her 92ND birthday. The boyz enjoyed getting to see some cousins they had not seen in a long time. Click the following link to view several photo's of the birthday party.
http://evelynelliott1916.blogspot.com/ The name of the blog is Grandma Elliott turns 92
Senin, 17 Maret 2008
Kinsey's Primary talk
This post is mostly for my parents who are serving in the Manila Philippines mission. Kinsey wanted you to be able to hear her talk. Hope the audio is good enough! Notice her CUTE curly hair and her crazy teeth! She is in that inbetween phase with her teeth right now. We practiced her talk lots so that she looked out into the audience frequently and had many parts memorized. She did a great job in primary. It was a little harder to do at home without a podium.
Rabu, 12 Maret 2008
We finally got out on the ice this winter. This past Sunday the boyz had a great time running between Uncle Paul's and Grandpa's fish houses. They all caught some nice sized perch but Darin only could snag the little ones. Uncle Paul tried to get Tanner to kiss his fish and the best part was we didn't have to clean any of them. Auntie Cherrie sent us home with two meals of fish ready for the pan. Hard to believe nobody stepped in the hole or got a glove wet. It's a far cry from when we used to take the boys out in the little calm hut.
Selasa, 11 Maret 2008
Minggu, 09 Maret 2008
The boyz had a busy Saturday of wrestling. Both Tanner and Dalton had an excellent showing. We thought this would be the last weekend for the boyz, but they BOTH qualified to go on to regional in Windom on the 29Th of March. Tanner finished 4Th for the day and Dalton got 2ND they must finish in the top 4 at regions to go on to State the first weekend in April. They will continue to have practice till that time. Tanner will be pulling double duty with track practice starting on Monday the 10Th.
Kamis, 06 Maret 2008
About 6 weeks ago we purchased a new entertainment set from Levitz going out of business sale. Got a great deal and we love it. A few weeks later, we found a computer armoire on craigslist that we were interested in. When we went out to look at it we discovered that it was exactly the same style, color, even had the same hardware that our new entertainment center did!! We were excited about it. And we can even hide our computer, along with all the paper and junk that goes with it.YIPEE!
Minggu, 02 Maret 2008
Carefully buddy the last boy who got up in Dalton's face left the court crying..........
We had a very busy day of basketball in LeCenter on Saturday. The boyz all had a great time this season and learned a lot. When Dalton would make a basket he would point to Mom with his point total to make sure she was getting some pictures taken. They played 3 games that day and he never fouled out, so it was a moral victory. These are all classmates of Dalton a far cry from a year ago when Dalton was 1 of 4 kids in his class. We switch gears again for next weekend when Tanner and Dalton have a wrestling tournament in Springfield. Looks like both boyz will be sticking with wrestling.
Sabtu, 01 Maret 2008
One of Kevin's many talents!
Kevin and his friend Luke Larson discovered they can both do this. We have gotten a kick out of it and thought we'd share it with all of you. We are experimenting with our new camera and didn't take the movie right. Can't figure out how to turn it. I guess you'll just get a side-ways view.....you still get the picture though.
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