Selasa, 29 Juli 2008
We FINALLY have it together. Our camera is now downloaded and we can catch you all up on what has been happening in our family for the last few months. This may take a few posts.....and a few days:) First...Steve and I took an amazing trip to the Philippines in May. We were visiting my parents and my Uncle Dave and Aunt Nancy on their missions. I'll share a few pics and try to explain.
This is a picture of 4 generations in the church...a rare site on the Island of Palawan, Philippines. Such sweet, humble people.
The kids were too cute! They loved posing for pictures after church.
Sunday morning we were able to see a group of youth off on the ferry bound for Manila. They were on their way to do baptisms for the dead. It would be a full week trip for the youth and the leaders.
(we visited a crocodile farm while in the PI's-crickey mate!! Look how huge this one was)
Kamis, 24 Juli 2008
Oh my gosh these past 2 weeks have flew by.... We have played 8 baseball games, celebrated 1- 38 year old birthday, passed a drivers test with flying colors and had five days of football camp in Duluth. The last couple of days we have been picking green beans, peas and tomatoes for mom to can and preparing to plant a food plot for the deer. As you can see by the vines we are going to have a bumper crop of pumpkins. The boyz have hatched out some chicks and have been busy picking eggs. Dalton had his first night of hunters safety training and guess who we saw heading toward campus riding a bike?.......Come on guess........MATT BIRK! Yes, the Vikes are back in town. Darin has taken Friday off to take the boyz to opening day of training camp. Stay tuned for training camp updates.
Sabtu, 12 Juli 2008
Working at the Car Wash....
The boyz had a football fundraiser Friday and Saturday to raise money for camps. The kids washed about 100 cars and raised over $1200.00. We had about 8 parents who ran the concession stand & did quality control on the cars that came through. The kids even vacuumed out the vehicles as they came in. The older boys took turns bring cars back and forth from local businesses in town. As you can see the owner of the funeral home in Nicollet let us use his parking lot on the corner of Hwy.14. And no I know what your wondering nobody died. Friday was a really hot day and we all go sun burned. The team takes of Monday for a week long camp in Duluth.
Rabu, 09 Juli 2008
With the heat and humidity coming the boys got a chance to play by the pool with their cousins. The weather also has been great for the garden, you can hardly see Karter in the corn. We have had our 1st meal of peas,beans,tomatoes and Darin has enjoyed beets. The garden is not the only thing growing! Auntie Cherrie's tummy has a baby girl that will come in 2 months and 12 days. We are pretty sure she will want to stay the womb with all those boys running loose in the house.
Senin, 07 Juli 2008
We had a wonderful trip back to North Dakota over the long weekend. We got to see our cousin's and Grandpa and Grandma Zimney at Mindi's house on the 4Th. Mom took a bunch of photo's that we will be posting later. It was nice to hear everyone checks our blog often! We had our traditional ( 2ND year in a row) Crab Boil & Uncle John just to let you know Tanner ate your share of the sea food. The boyz then shot off fireworks on Friday and Saturday night and we only had one burnt thumb! Saturday we got to surprise Great Grandma Elliott with a visit and flower's. Saturday night we got out all of Grandpa's old 45's and listen to some vinyl.
Kamis, 03 Juli 2008
As always you can find us every Tuesday and Thursday night in the ball park watching or coaching a good game of baseball. Dalton always catches for 4 innings then moves to 1St base. Tanner plays shortstop and 3rd. How about Tanner slide into 1st by a mile. Dalton's team has won 6 in a row and Tanner's has won 2 in a row.
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