Kamis, 27 November 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Lately I have simplified my life to where some who know me are kind of not sure what to think... got rid of animals that I loved, moved from a city I adored, got rid of a garden that I pride myself in... but I have needed to simplify. Let other people do the work that I have done for the last few years. Pull in, and strive to not have so much to do... so I am free to move just a bit slower, listen just a bit better, and react just a bit calmer. That is my goal for this move. So far, this move has been crazy. Not awful (although there are many things going on I could do without) just crazy. But in all that, I can already see it is a good change. Just in the way my children play.
I am wishing for a quiet holiday season.
Happy Thanksgiving all!
Rabu, 26 November 2008
Blessings for Hannah
Jumat, 21 November 2008
Kamis, 20 November 2008
Do you have a testimony of scouting???
Well, last night my "testimony" was strengthened (although I still think Round Table stinks:))
Derek received his Arrow of Light Award. The highest award given in the Cub Scouting program. He was properly honored and sent over the bridge (literally) to Boy Scouts. Mom and Dad would be proud. They are avid scouters....
Here is Derek being welcomed to Scouting and given his new Boy Scout manual by the 11 yr old scout leader. There is even an 11 yr old scout there to greet him.
Senin, 17 November 2008
Toddlers are so much fun
Sabtu, 15 November 2008
Cultivate Creativity
call it a network,
call it a family.
Whatever you call it,
whoever you are,
You need one."
- Jane Howard
Jumat, 14 November 2008
Cyan's review for November
Math: She is finally slowing down on the Math-U-See work. She ended up stopping around chapter 8 because there were a few things she didn't understand, and so we have started to work with the blocks again, and have her get some of the concepts. What is funny is that this work is early algebra (ie: __ + 4 = 9 ) so after these three chapters that have to do with that, she may start flying through again... but at the moment, we are paused and learning fun new things.
Science: Still working with nocturnal animals. We will be moving on to trees and leaves. She can't wait to work with the leaves we pressed last month and paint fall scenes... so she will transition after the move into the tree unit easily I think. We finally got our Science curriculum... but I already have another planned out. Not sure how that is going to work.
Social Studies: Still in Egypt. She is really enjoying the Ancient Egyptian Fashions coloring book! Right now we are reading a book about ancient Egyptian gods and their wars for the world, and about the transition from Kings to Pharaohs. It is a fun and interesting study.
Fine Arts: We are studying Mary Cassatt and Mozart this month. When we get into the new house, we will be able to do more hands on art with the concepts and techniques of Mary Cassatt and Cyan is thrilled about that! She can't wait to paint. And she has been really enjoying the books and lessons of Mary Cassatt so far... she has told me that when she grows up she is going to be an artist just like her. Successful lesson. ;)
Alex's review for November
Math: Right now he is working on exponents. We had to take a whole week to explain how to do exponents with fractions, but he is starting to move slowly but steadily again. Once he gets a thing, he really understands it. That is nice.
Science: We are still working with nocturnal animals although I have wanted to move on to trees and leaves. The kids are interested, but still draw pictures and write papers on owls and wolves. lol... so there we sit. I may start the trees unit a bit later and then see if I can get the motivation with all the naked trees around our new house.
Social Studies: We are pretty much doing the same thing as we were last month. Egypt in depth now. Talking about their lives and the transfer from kings to Pharaohs and what that meant for the people. We have had to pack away most of our globes and maps, but they will be back out soon and we will be able to continue with geography as well.
Fine Arts: This month is Mary Cassatt and Mozart. Lots of papercrafting to come as we get more into the life of Mary Cassatt and her art with mothers and children.
Technology: Going again. :) He is using the mouse and since the last update he has beat Carmen San Diego, and Zoogles (a math concept game). He will start his new typing program in three weeks after his cast is off and he has been working with the exercise ball for two weeks.
Rabu, 12 November 2008
Alex's poetry
near a plain.
Along with some grain,
from the plain,
coming to the train,
in the rain.
And my personal favorite for this week:
The Wagon
The dragon was pulling a wagon
down to the bay.
But the wagon was a-draggin'
so the wagon had to stay.
Selasa, 11 November 2008
Stories of books and babydolls...

These books each have a little story, but since I have typed so much already, I will just share the most special ones. First is Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. On that link you can "look inside" the book and see why it is so darned charming. It is my favorite owl book ever, and I read it to our homeschoolers at the owl party just last Friday. I have gotten it from the library about 6 times, and every time I think "Why don't I own this book?" When I saw this at Goodwill today, I had to pick it up. It is a board book version, and perfect for Logan, who loved to listen to it already... now he can hold it too! (And all for $1.29. Lovely.)

This next book has a story that goes even further back. Too Much Noise was a book that Danny Kaye had in his vinyl record of classic stories when I was little. I LOVED listening to that record. When he did all the voices and the stories just came alive. I loved it so much, in fact, that when I was taking my oral storytelling class in college, I used it as my final project and did that story, start to finish from memory in front of my entire class and their friends (and Don, who was my fiance at the time). I have told it at campfires and at Harvest Moon parties but I have never owned a copy of the book, and although I have never searched for it, when I saw this copy for $.99 at Goodwill today, I started jumping up and down.
Literally. It was quite funny actually.
Don laughed.
Now, it's mine to read to my children. :)

I like to think it is just a whole other generation of stories being ready to be told. That start with these stories of books and babydolls.
Minggu, 09 November 2008
Inspiring mamas
Newest conversations with my toddler
"What do you need little man?"
"Juice?" Which he pronounces 'jew'
"Nope. Don't have any. It's all gone." I hold my hands up with the 'finished' sign.
"Nope. Do you want to go to bed?"
"No no." with a bit of head shaking to make sure I know he is serious.
"Mama." He says as he sticks his hand inside my shirt.
"What are you doing?" I ask as I remove his hands.
"NO! Mine." He says, hands back in my shirt, and giggling.
Sigh. Thus is the life of a nursing toddler and the many things he may or may not get to drink during any given day.
He is also learning German. Now you all get to say things like "Wow, what an amazing Mom!"
However that isn't why he is learning German words along with English. The neighbor is teaching her dog, and she is often heard in the back yard saying things like "Nein!" (no) and "Seitz" (sit)... he just came over here and yelled "Nein!" when I took the DVD he had away. lol... Is he brilliant... or has the brain of a German Shepard.
Sabtu, 08 November 2008
A busy week
Then yesterday, my homeschool group put on a wonderful owl party. A woman from the Audubon Society came over with all of these taxidermy owls, and a great slide show of what owls need to live wild in our areas and how beneficial they are to the people they live around. It was wonderful! And as always with our parties, we each brought a craft. My friend Sarah had the kids make felted Owl Pellets... she brought beads, sticks, feathers, and tons of felting wool in 'fur' colors to make them, and then the kids hand water felted them as she talked about how owl digestion worked. Sometimes, I am in awe of the creativity that comes from my friends. Seriously. The kids spent the rest of the morning playing 'owl' and 'pellet'... a game in which one person is the owl that flies around (using their paper bag owl puppets that was a craft of Heather's (another mama friend of mine)) and then the other person is the pellet (curled up in a ball on the ground), and as the owl spits them out they 'pop' open and flail their legs and arms back and forth like they are falling from a tree. Cyan was willing to reenact the whole thing for me when we got home. It was really pretty neat all the facts that they were reinforcing over and over in their play.

The one above seemed like the spirits of the night were coming up out of the pumpkins. It meant a slow exposure, nothing surreal, but it was a cool effect anyway.

And of course, my pumpkin coach to go along with Cyan's Spiderella Castle. :)
Bribe or positive motivation????
and Carrie Underwood have to do with each other?????? Well.....as I've mentioned before, we are big American Idol fans. We have enjoyed watching Carrie's success since she won AI a few years ago.
Kamis, 06 November 2008
Rabu, 05 November 2008
She is just really amazing....

"My Wrapped Baby"
She has such a beautiful idea of the world. I keep all of her art like this in folders by year. She has had one since she started preschool 4 years ago. Looking back, it is really incredible. I honestly don't think she has any more talent than anyone else... she just has passion. Intense passion. She is just pretty darn amazing.
Oh, I can't wait to share some of Alex's poetry. I love having artistic children.
Selasa, 04 November 2008
So tonight...
And it wasn't near as good as the one we made from a pumpkin.
Score one for homemade!