Minggu, 31 Mei 2009
Good Morning!!!!!
I am up now. See me up?
Rabu, 27 Mei 2009
Kitten Education
Selasa, 26 Mei 2009
A running education...
What happens when toddler baby brother decides to mangle the 'control' tomato plant. (I think this one is self explanatory...)
Here is her picture of Alice in Wonderland, which is the theme for her birthday party we are planning for July (Notice the card men paiting the roses red. We just finished the book last week.):

The beauty of homeschooling for me is that it can be a fluid education. A running conversation that happens between Marley and Me, the Hawk we saw dive for a catch on the side of the road, and the blessing of our garden by bringing beans in for dinner. You don't have to sit at the table to learn. You don't have to have the perfectly structured day to make sure they are learning the things they need to know. Sometimes the best 'educational jumps' they get come from happenstance watching the cat eat bugs and Bill Nye the Science Guy videos on the same day. The running tally of the things I HAVE to teach my kids gets shorter and shorter as I realise, all they really need to know is how to read and that learning is fun as all heck... and whatever they need to catch up with in between... well I am sure they will be alright.
Early Ed ~ Sand box
He has been more and more interested in 'doing school' in the last few weeks. So much so that I have started to make a list of very early ed activities and I think I will add him into the homeschool schedule so he has his own time for 'writing' and doing his school work.
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
Happy Memorial Day Everyone!
Grand time at the Grand Canyon
Minggu, 24 Mei 2009
Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009
Impromptu picnic ala Cyan
This picnic basket is complete with mugs of hot tea covered with plastic bags. Fully 7 yr old style.
Of course, after all that work was put into it, how could I say no? So we headed out to the park and abandoned the regular menu for tonight, eating PB&J sandwiches, carrots and humus, Tim's potato chips, chocolate cookies, and hot tea.
Cyan stepped in a puddle with no shoes on, she is not happy in this picture. Alex took the pic though and I thought it was a good one aside from the sad look Cyan has on.
Jumat, 22 Mei 2009
Bee Farm Tour
Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
Recycled Crayons and Testing Day
Then we set the oven to 175* and put them in it. We used tiny muffin tins I found at Goodwill for this project. We also use these for paint cups with tempera paint.
When you let these cool, they will start to pull away from the sides of the pan all by themselves. When they were completely cool I just turned the tin over and all but one fell out instantly. The other was a bit more stuck, so I stuck the tin in the freezer and it popped out in less than 20 minutes.
Selasa, 19 Mei 2009
Fathers & Sons FEAR FACTOR
# 8 Here is the picture of the 2nd place team! The prize...a couple of really cool buck knives!!
#4 Each team was given 5 minutes to come up with a skit only using Duct tape a paper plate and string as props. Apparantly these guys had the best skit. They sang a sesame street song about letters...their assignment was to be hiccuping robots.
#5 One member of each team had to down this delicious bowl of 2 sardines and 3 oysters. Steve couldn't quite make it go down....but they weren't eliminated because one team wouldn't even attempt it.