Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
Grains of the World ~ Curing and Hanging

Just when you think...
Today's Scrimmage
Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010
Busy week of football
Alton Brown, Chemistry, and High School
Istanbul was Constantinople....
Yes that's right... we're in Turkish lands now! Studying the Ottoman Turks and their invasion (and final overthrow) of Constantinople, the last city in the long standing Byzantine Empire.
They did it with huge cannons from all sides, and so that is exactly what we did!
Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010
He is like a star shining brightly.....
Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010
Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010
R U Ready for some FOOTBALL
Highschool, Jr. High and the big kid playground!
Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010
Planning a poetry class
I have been thinking about this all summer long. My kids and I had SO much fun with Small World's Wordsmithery lessons last year, that I took that inspiration and turned it into a class for our home school group! I am crazy excited about the way the classes are writing up.
If you haven't done the Wordsmithery class over at Small World, check it out! The lessons are clear and easy to teach, and each of the sessions have 4 mini writing sessions that you do through out the week that take a total of 15 minutes each, but turn out SUCH great results!
Anyhow... more on my class. As much of it is inspired by Wordsmithery, the lessons are set up in pretty much the same order. However, since I will only get the kids once a week (and can't expect a ton of homework to be accomplished) I am compacting the lessons into two hour segments. The first part will be the 'lesson' part where the kids get to hear about the rules of the day and the types of words we will be dealing with. The second is the 'project' portion of the class, where the kids get to do some of their own writing and a neat project that goes along with each type of word (very much like this Wordsmithery lesson).
I am CRAZY excited about it, and can't wait to share with you guys what we do for each day and some of the writings of this talented group of kiddos I have the honor to teach.
Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010
The Mongols and the overthrow of China
Update on the Grains of the World project
Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010
This week at Training Camp....Top Ten

Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010
Robin Hood!!!
The story of the Magna Carta comes after King Richard gets killed. Prince (then King) John Lackland (Richard's brother, not cousin) gains the throne and starts being a tyrant. He is taking land and obscene amounts of taxes from the nobles, who of course, make life horrible for the surf's and peasants under them. Most of the taxes were taken for wars with France, not to over throw Richard (because he was already gone at this point). So the nobles got together and made a document of laws that they believe EVERYONE (including the King) should have to follow. This was the first time in documented history that a dictator was held accountable to their own laws, and it set up a system of government that is still VERY alive today. (Canada and the US still follow the basic ideas of the Magna Carta.)
At the end of the lesson, the kids got to make their own Magna Carta! The rules they listed were SO cute I wish I could write all of them here. They ranged from "Sir Caleb does not have to read before watching movies" and "Sir Elias gets 7 minutes of video game time every day" to "Princess Madeline gets to wrestle with daddy every day before bed" and "Madam Hannah gets to have dessert with every dinner". They were PRECIOUS! The kids all stood up and read them aloud to the class and when they were done we all banged on tables and shouted "Hear hear!!" and "Whoohooo!" as the kids beamed! It was pretty amazing.
Isn't that the sweetest thing? Yes, I signed it this morning. Although I added the stipulation that she was allowed to get ice cream on all those days, until her own money ran out. ;) She decided that one day a week was plenty, so now it is only on Sunday's.
Cyan's Knight

Cyan spent quite a long time drawing this knight after class last week. She was so into it that another little friend from class joined in, drawing a 'maiden' at the same time. These lessons... the good ones, they stick in your mind forever. It isn't a cookie cutter education that actually teaches kids. It is one that is real to the child, brought to life by the child's own mind.