Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010
Game Day Jitters!
Alex's Kitchen Science Lesson #1 ~ Braising
Braising = cooking with liquid
Recipe: Grandma Shari's Pot Roast with Peas
Chapter 3 "Braising" in Alton Brown's I'm Just Here for the Food
Searing the meat.
(This was our last pot roast from our half a cow we buy each year. What an awesome way to use it!)
Cutting the veggies. He got a little knife lesson in here too and did a wonderful job! Uniform potato bits is not the easiest trick to learn.
Making the cooking liquid. First, he added a Bullion cube to the water...
And the finished dinner! Man, it was good! I am going to keep this recipe in our stocks so we can try 'braising' again!
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
Listen to the Raiders take on the Bulldogs
Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010
Around our City ~ Farm Tour #3
The Delicata!
It was a great sunny day trip!
Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010
Science Everywhere
This book is a gem for those Science impaired homeschoolers like me. She has laid out 101 experiments that are simple, easy, and take mostly household items. And best of all, most of them don't make a mess!
I paired it with this wonderful simple science ditto:
which can be found here (there are two pages) and were super easy for Cyan to translate her experiment this afternoon to the sheet. On the second sheet, there is a place to draw a picture of what she had done or the results of her experiment.
Today we did the experiment "Limp Spuds" and we talked about Osmosis. Both my kids are excited about doing more Science this year. Alex actually was able to set up Cyan's experiment for her before he moved on to his written briefing about kitchen safety for his Grandma on Thursday. He says to me as he is reading about osmosis and setting out the table salt "Haha! This is fun!"
Creative Writing and Poetry Class ~ Similes

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010
Cyan and Tucker the squirrel
Please try to ignore the mouth breathing of the videotographer... he's new. ;)
Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
Alex's kitchen science inventory
My mom, Alex, and I are starting to implement the Alton Brown science stuff we have worked out over the past few weeks. My mom had two fantastic ideas which have taken up our first week with this science curriculum. #1: a kitchen inventory and #2: a kitchen safety briefing
Here is Alex's inventory:
(Just for my own sanity, I feel the need to point out that we had just made pizza with the mixer when he decided to do this. It doesn't just sit that dirty. ;) )