Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Advent Days #24 - #25
#23: Wrap gifts with mommy
This one went off without a hitch. We had already made a bunch of gift bags and had ideas about our wrapping so we wrapped quickly and easily this night.
#24: Have a gnome bonfire with s’mores
Having gnomes over for Christmas eve is a bit more crafty. There was a special on pizza at a local place and so I got that and we spent the whole evening watching "Elf" and crafting away... I love how our little Christmas gnomes turned out!
Advent days #19 - #22
#20: Fantasy lights with hot cocoa
What a fun show this year! The drive through was especially nice. :)
#21: Christmas cookies for the neighbors
#22: Fruit and Nuts dipped in Chocolate
Logan was THRILLED with his job of putting on the sprinkles. He would get ahead of the dippers and say "Hey guys... I got no more to sprinkle!"
Rabu, 22 Desember 2010
Pic's From Uncle John

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010
Madrigal Dinner
Saturday and Sunday Tanner's Keynote preformed "The Madrigal Dinner". This was right up Tanner's alley ( but he should had been the court jester) He had lots of one liner zingers for the crowd. He took Coach Wilkings Spectical's( glasses) and made a spectical of coach. We have our Holiday Concert tonight. What is with this weather? Another 7 inches of snow last night again.
Senin, 20 Desember 2010
Advent ~ Days 15 - 18
Due to being 8 mos pregnant right now, I opted for kits for our gingerbread houses this year... you would think this would be an easy project, but two dropped box kits later and us two mamas were pulling out the glue gun to put back together the beautiful gingerbread houses so the kids could decorate them. It was quite the adventure and I am SO glad I planned to do this one with friends! :)
Rabu, 15 Desember 2010
Advent ~ Days 11 - 14
This week got thrown off a little by the absolutely amazingly horrible weather and baking hundreds of cookies. We have had downpours nearly all week long, and at night, we get wind storms that have now blown down most of our fence between us and the neighbors. It's crazy! Today we were all excited that it wasn't actually raining, but it was just drizzle and cloudy. lol!
Day 10: Watching Christmas movie with popcorn and a treat
I rented The Sesame Street Christmas Story for the kids. They loved it!
Day 11: A surprise outing!
We went to see Narnia in the theater! (We don't ever take the kids to the theater so that was super special and the gesture got lots of squealing and bouncing as we pulled in). I even bought Turkish Delights for the occasion and we sat in the theater, happy as clams and watched my favorite childhood book turned movie. It was wonderful!
Day 12: Go shopping for mommy with daddy
I didn't get pictures of this one, cuz I couldn't be there. ;) But the kids and Don went out and got me 'something'...
Day 13: Zoo lights with hot cider
Skipped this due to not wanting to end up soaking wet walking through the zoo in horrible weather, but Alex is keeping track of what we are not doing and we will do it after Christmas. Instead, we got another Christmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life, and I let them eat in front of the tv, another rare thing. Then we had a cookie from the batch I was baking. They were very happy about it all and said it felt like camping.
Day 14: Paper hearts and bake something yummy!
I lined this event up perfectly with having to send all the cookies out. My willing helpers were HUGE help, and honestly, they bake better than I do already.
Logan was sweet and helpful too, in his own sweet toddler way: