We had the privilege of spending October break with Mom & Dad and all of their posterity (minus 2 Dad's that had to work). It was a wonderful week full of scheduled and impromptu fun. The weather and scenery was beautiful! Here are a few things I don't want to forget.

We determined to do some work projects while we were there. The kids were great worker bees as we chopped a HUGE fallen tree into firewood. Papa's tractor came in quite handy...as you can see:)

Yep...this pile was the work of lots of little worker bees.

Here's a shot at the top of Green's Peak. It's a beautiful view don't you think....look at those kids

Here's a group pointing to the spring. This was the destination of the hike one day. Doesn't look like much, but it's the source of the pond down the mountain.

Truckload of kids on their way to Green's...most of this group chose to run down the mountain instead of drive down.

Here's a shot of one of our Minute to Win it games.

Another game, get the cookie in your mouth with only facial movements! She did it!

Watching this game made me cry from laughing so hard!

We spent one afternoon riding horses. It was another highlight for the kids.

Some other favorites were Family Feud, team building games, singing around the fire with Papa playing the guitar. Making smores, watching old family videos, and exercising with the adults, it was a week full of fun and family. It truly was a little heaven in 2011!