Box #1 was the book What’s Inside a Police Car along with a few handwriting activities and the Pp letter tub from Lakeshore Learning. I used the printables from Homeschooling Creations for this unit.

Box #2 was two patterning activities.

Box #3 was the count to 10 dot-to-dot book.

Box #4 was a hair comparison venn diagram.

We got Cyan and our little neighbor girl who has VERY curly dark hair to donate to the cause. The hair was just different enough that Logan had no issue completing the venn diagram.

Box #4 was a writing activity again. We are working through the whole alphabet on handwriting so you will see these in here a lot.

Box #6 Pp is for Pencil pattern sheet. Still a favorite!

Box #7 Another version of beginning sounds bingo!

Box #8 was a make your own stoplight kit that came along with police prinables from Homeschooling Creations. Logan cut these circles out all by himself. I was really impressed!

Box #9 was another book on Police Officers which Don (who was sick today) read to Logan and pointed out all the things that were similar to his job.

Box #10 was a Crime Scene that I created using the book Lu & Clancy’s Crime Scene by Louise Dickson.

We used pieces of Styrofoam to make tooth impressions of each family member and then had someone take a bite out of a cookie. Then Logan had to ‘investigate’ (his $5 word for the day) to figure out who ate the cookie. He LOVED it!
Also in this box was a tiny book for his Pp is for Police lapbook that has numbers of finger prints. We each donated our fingertips to help him collect how many he needed.
May be the best school day ever!