Spring Break that is! I took the week off and we focused on spending some quality family time together. The kids and I exercised together 4 days...played family games, went on hikes, zip line, visited cousins, etc. Doesn't it sound grand? (never mind that the family games and exercise sessions had to be made one of the kids chores to get it to happen) haha
Our first little adventure was a trip to Marana to spend a day with Janette and Brian. Didn't get any pics of our hike the next day. It was enjoyable, aside from the cholla cactus Derek got stuck in his calf. Good thing Brian was prepared with gloves and his little pliers to pull out all the spines. OUCH! He was a tough boy...FLIP-was his word of choice

We celebrated pi day on March 14...3.14 get it. We bought a pie and the kids then measured the circumference before we ate it:)

The last 1/2 of the week Steve took off from work and we rented a cabin with my brother's family up in Payson. We had a nice time relaxing, visiting, and eating. I sure love spending time with family! We hiked to waterwheel falls one day. Here is Kinsey testing the water. It was quite cold..it snowed in Payson the day we left. That didn't stop her from jumping in though!

A few kids even made there own little water slide.

We were lucky enough to spend an afternoon @ my Uncle Dave's cabin visiting with my cousins. The kids all had fun getting a turn on the zip line.

And, we did a little of this..it was a nice break with lots of quality time TOGETHER. That seems to be happening less as the kids are growing up.