"Aaahhh! Mama! Dat cat. Eat me!" He screams.
"What honey?"
"Dat cat eat me!"
"No Logan, the cat won't eat you." I reply.
"Dat cat, bite me?"
"No baby, the cat won't bite you."
"It bite. My head." He says with feeling as he puts a hand to his head.
"No honey, the cat won't bite your head." I start to giggle.
(He points at it's eye.) "He hab lellow eye. Cat hab lellow eye."
He pauses.
"It bad guy cat!"
"I don't think so." (Really snickering now.)
"It good guy cat?"
"It's just 'cat'."
"Oh. Dus cat. Oooohhh."
At this stage in life, kids suck up language like a sponge. Some of the things he has said in the last few days shock me so completely that I will convince myself he didn't say it. lol! He said yesterday that 'Daddy said we probably go see the chickens next time.' We are not going to the farm until Tuesday, and we haven't been there since last Tuesday. But Logan not only remembered what Don had said about the farm, but he remembered the exact wording he used and well enough to relay that to me completely out of context. He is 26 mos old. Blows my mind.
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