Kamis, 17 September 2009

JV & Jr.High have 1st game!

There is not doubt about it ......it feels good to win but...... to watch our son go out and face kids twice the size and weight and just stick it to them every play. Now that is something to brag about! The scoreboard didn't show a win but man did those kids play hard. Dalton played QB tonight and aired it out a few times and had 8 tackles as well. It was a very warm afternoon getting up to 91* and Dalton needed to play both ends of the ball. Jr. High will play again in Cleveland on Monday. Tanner stuck it to those 6 foot Jr. boys all night long! Tanner lead his team in tackles. He never came out of the game all night long! IF he keeps this up he'll find some playing time on Varsity. JV was able to score twice on GHEC but they wanted some redemption from the kicking they took from Varsity this past Friday night. JV plays on Monday night after the Jr. High. Friday afternoon we hit the road for that 3 plus hour bus ride to Ellsworth. A win would be nice but we are just hoping to leave healthy and get a score or two. GO RAIDERS!

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