My sweet boy wanted to help set up todays lesson, so I asked him to get me the jar of buttons… off the shelf above the dryer. Yeah. Not the best idea ever. The warranty on our washer and dryer runs out in 5 years. We may very well still have buttons under there when the things die. lol!
Box #1 was a set of matching cards from here. Hungry Caterpillar of course!
Box #2 was his worksheets for today. He had quite a few. It also had the Lakeshore Learning letter Tub in it.
One of his worksheets was super fun! The little caterpillars have numbers by their heads and you are supposed to make the caterpillars out of something… like buttons! Once we got the buttons cleaned up this activity was the best of the day. :)
There were a couple more activities based on the same ‘number value’ concept. He is actually getting his numbers down really quickly!
Box #3 was the Leapfrog Fridge Letter set again.
Box #4 was a rice pouring activity. After his fun with this yesterday I decided to fill the pitcher with rice and see how he did. At first he moved really fast and spilled the rice. I showed him how to clean it up and his movements became more fluid, less jerky and fast, right before my eyes. That is exactly what Montessori intended when adding these things to the classroom but it still puts me in awe every time I see it work.
Box #5: Another Montessori idea. Sandpaper letters. I just have him run his finger along these textured letters in the same way he would write them. It’s reinforces tacitly the directions and form for writing the letters.
Box #6 was a sequencing activity based on the Very Hungry Caterpillar from here. After we had it all set up I had HIM tell me the story. He loved that! I almost wish I had it on video it was so darned cute!
Box $7: Another sequencing activity.
Box #8: a few coloring bits from his ABC Notebook Lapbook Pages.
Box #9: a cutting activity from LOTW. (He LOVES these BTW.)
Box #10: Day 1 on StarFall!! All my children have used StarFall when they start reading. It’s fun and free and they really enjoy the idea of being able to play a ‘video game’ while doing school.
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