Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

Raiders advance to the Section Championship game after a tough fought 7 - 6 victory over the rival Cleveland Clippers. It was a defensive game as both teams had trouble moving the ball with any consistency. It was a 45 yard pass play that got Nicollet out in the lead in the 2nd half and the defense was able to stop the 2 point conversion on Cleveland's score to seal the victory. As you can see Tabor had his hands full blocking Cleveland's biggest player. We missed a few opportunities to put this one out of reach early in the 2nd half, but were able to buckle down on defense to hold on. Jason, Angie and Collin came down to give Tabor a raucous cheering section and if you ask Collin he will tell you Tabor's not so tough cause he tackled him several times before the game. And then gave him a high five that just about tipped him over. Friday we are off to Alden/Conger to get pay back for the double overtime loss we had 3 weeks ago. Winner will advance to the state quarterfinals game held at SMSU in Marshall MN. We are hoping for a very Happy Halloween.

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