Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

Sunday Night Football

Passing league was suppose to end tonight but we found out we have a play off game on Sunday the 12Th of July. The boyz did a great job tonight and the weather was perfect! Tanner caught a nice pass but I missed it on the camera. Uugg! I was too busy given high-fives instead of taking the photo. Tabor showed great hustle tonight on the field and is one of the best O-line men we have as per the coach not the bias mother. He is going to have to build up some endurance if is going to play both ends of the ball this fall. Dalton and Tamara are going to be putting on some walking shoes tomorrow as the band plays at Valley Fair. Tamara is one of the chaperone's that will go with from 9am to 9:30pm. The band will preform a couple of times then take in the rides at the park.

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