Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Birthday boy!

Today we live in a house of teenagers! Dalton John Lawrence turned 13 years old today. It's hard to believe this peanut butter hater is in the 7Th grade and on the honor roll. Besides being very competitive in sports Dalton has a soft side as well, everyday he tells his mother "Luv U to Ma". Dalton also has a wicked addiction to fiction books the more twisted mystery the better. Dalton is on the Jr.High Knowledge bowl team and class president. Some thing that may surprise you about Dalton is that he is a great cookie baker! He'll crank out a batch of Great Grandma's cookies just cuz. Like his older brother Tabor, Dalton is a Food Junky the spicier the better. We celebrated Dalton's B-day by going to a Maverick hockey game and a DQ ice cream cake. How do you like that candle on that cake? We don't do anything small in the Elliott house. Happy Birthday Dalton, love Mom & Dad.

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